Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What’s all the fuss

im blogging to see if a few years from now this was really the beginning of the end for PPG. As I think it is.  I have to stay off Facebook at this point as I have become a menace !! So, PPG says he is the toughest on Russia.  No president has ever been stronger.

I say no president has ever applied more ridiculous amounts of bronzer. No PPG has ever lied more constantly, been more arrogant and pig headed.  Get your ego out of this !!

His judgement is poor !

Monday, July 9, 2018

The President is incorrect in everything he is saying

That’s a quote from a republican general former advisor. I’m crawling out of my skin because of PPG. Trying not to post constant negative crap because he’s single handedly flushing our democracy. Heck, world democracy down the toilet.

And he’s headed off to the NATO meeting blustering like a fool, and planning to meet the dictator or Russia one on one immediately after that.  Pretty sure he has no concept of how complicit he looks.... puppet like.  And no, the Democrats do not want you to fail, because you are taking the country with you.  We want you to pull your head out of your ass.

What’s all the fuss

im blogging to see if a few years from now this was really the beginning of the end for PPG. As I think it is.  I have to stay off Facebook ...