Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Comes to an End

Heavy sigh.  Should I even try to blog tonight?  It's kinda been a crappy day, and yet, they can't all be fabulous, fluffy rainbow unicorn days, can they?  And I do feel I am able to appreciate that we are very very lucky to have the choices we have, and be in the situation we are in.

But - to sum it up.  Mom had a tough day.  I had a tough day.

She's lost.  She feels displaced.  She's not at home at our home, she's not home at her house (and usually says herself that it's too lonely there, and that she just couldn't do it any more), and,  she not at home in her apartment. And that sucks.  And no matter what I do for her, it will be a long time until she get's use to it, and it feels even a little bit like home.  Alot of ups and downs, and apparently I still have alot to learn about patience!  I'll keep working on it.  Should I tell the story of writing the 3 checks?  Nope. Just let it go.

BJ the dog is with us for the moment, and mom has sort of given up on him.  I guess she thinks it's overwhelming to even think about, and just doesn't feel capable of dealing with it.  BJ, BJ, BJ.  His predicament sort of sums the whole thing up.  I don't know how to get her out of this funk.  She's been very positive about the move for the most part, and luckily, can sure continue to improve.  So I should go to bed, I'm tired, grumpy, didn't get my New Years Eve Party, my small family get together, or even my fondue dinner.

20 minutes until 2014. and - what a fitting end - ewh - Miley Cyrus is the New Years Rockin Eve highlight, and she has a Midget on stage? For no apparent reason - and now she's singing Wrecking Ball. So, obviously, 2014, there is plenty of room for improvement!  Let's suck it up buttercup, and get on with it!


Sunday, December 29, 2013


With 2 whole days to spare, I found the fondue pots and the Chocolate Fountain of Joy.  New Years Eve family fondue is a go!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Not a Very Photogenic Holiday this Year

Not a Very Photogenic Holiday this Year - I did actually have a moment to stop and think yesterday, "I should take a picture of the kids in front of the Christmas tree" before stuffing it back in it's box.  I didn't. (We have some pictures of Xmas 2013, it's o.k.) But, it's a year to appreciate that less is more.

One thing i wanted to start doing was a family fondue night Complete with the chocolate fountain that I believe we still have.  I was hoping for Boxing day, but now that I can't get far enough into the storage room to find it. . .  I'm shooting for New Years Eve now.  We skipped planning a party, because we thought that the bathroom wouldn't be done yet.  And, this year, we will probably go hang out with Grandma Roberta at her new apartment at least part of the time.  

There is still hope for that family tradition.  There may not be any actual pictures though.  Too much pressure, so no promises! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Happily Taking Down the Ornaments

Yes, I am Happily Taking Down the Ornaments on December 27th.  The pictures of family and friends are going to be what I remember this year.  Lots to do, (get grandma's internet working, find out if the dog can stay yet, get mom to go to the "computer skills" class - and that's just the list under the subheading "Nana" ) - but  really a very good year.  So much to be thankful for, and 2 weeks off to enjoy the family.  The feeling is peaceful, relaxed, alittle nostalgic, but hopeful for a better year next year.
Merry Christmas, 
Happy New Year 2014!

and save space for Tanner/Roxy, Girls, selfie, and ???

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

What to say about Christmas 2013. . .   It's been an eventful year.  The short answer is that my mom Roberta is doing an excellent job recovering from a broken hip.  It's been a life changing even however, but mostly for the better!  (Maybe I'll blog about it some day.)  Above is a picture of Nana with her 5 grand kids and one of the grand dogs.  We spent Christmas day at my brother Bruce's house.

It's been a minimalist kind of Christmas.  We never did quite get the decorations up, or the gifts bought.  A few of he gifts were wrapped by the girls.  Cut out cookies - skipped, and YIKES - we didn't even make a gingerbread house!  But, the silver lining was the focus on just being together and appreciating what we have.  Caitlin, Abigail and Kevin are all off this Christmas week. 

So Christmas 2013 will be a memorable one for me.   I love this picture of Zorro in the tree.  There's a little Norman Rockwell-ness to it.  He's going to be heart broken when we take it down.      

What’s all the fuss

im blogging to see if a few years from now this was really the beginning of the end for PPG. As I think it is.  I have to stay off Facebook ...