Sunday, May 4, 2014

The highlight of the month was the PIT

This posting will be short and sweet.  A result of Martha using the cattle prod.  I hope to come back and elaborate on this eventually, but - "anything worth doing is worth doing half-assed".  (It's still useful advice!)
The middle school was indeed alive with THE SOUND OF MUSIC

Caitlin was in the Thunder Ridge Middle School musical - playing the violin in the "pit orchestra" as they performed The Sound of Music!  They really worked hard, and she seemed to really enjoy every bit of it.  The play was very good - and the gathering of friends family and neighbors - exceptional as usual!
Texting words of encouragement to Caitlin, who had to leave early to go down into THE PIT

I borrowed this one from Martha, mine didn't turn out.  The entire crew, and the hole in the floor that contains, you guessed it, THE PIT!

You can't even get a decent photo of your kid if they are in THE PIT! (OK, she was just hamming it up.)

 Abi managed to take 1 of her sister in THE PIT by dangling herself in.

The Saturday night audience - minus Ms. Martha Chang and myself - the photographers.  (Abigail and her best buddy Isabella, Victoria and look we found Isaac Z again!)  Friday was Roberta Gillis (Nana) and Kevin.. . . and most of the neighborhood had kids in the orchestra, backstage crew or cast.  It was fun to see everyone.  

I'm calling this one "what's wrong with my camera!?!"  Victoria and Caitlin - a blessing for Caitlin to have such a good friend.

1 comment:

What’s all the fuss

im blogging to see if a few years from now this was really the beginning of the end for PPG. As I think it is.  I have to stay off Facebook ...