I am thankful for all of my fellow MOMs who inspire me to be a better person!
I should start off with a thankful for creative, inspiring people like.Martha who is a regular blogger, and put out the challenge to blog 30 days of thankful! I could call it inspirational moms, who remind me that it is possible to forget the drudgery part of parenting, and remember to focus on and cultivate the good stuff! A little effort can change my whole outlook around, making the recording moments of my life a more memorable, positive experience, rather than a groundhog day, overwhelming, blur! (Yes, this morning, I am mostly seeing overwhelming blur. But, I'm working on it.)Everyday things these moms do that make my world a better place:
- Group call outs to get together - I love this!
- ride sharing
- coffee loving
- book reading
- Moral lifting phone calls
- Even better moral lifting face to face
- Sharing the holidays with my family
- Getting together to make anything more fun
- shopping
- fund raising - sure! even selling me stuff, and buying my kids stuff
- "The exchanging of the philosophy" - as my Auntie Fran would call it
- networking, on every level imaginable
- listening
- advising
- getting me off my butt to go do something
- sharing
- good deals
- stories
- positive thoughts
- struggles
- food
- ideas
- and time
And your right Martha! I am leaving this 30 days of thankful assignment feeling like a very lucky person, who indeed, has so many of these moms/friends in my life that I don't dare try to list them all!
Hey, cool you are joining in...it really has helped me focus on that other holiday between zombies and Santa, and I feel good about it. Not every day needs t be a thoughtful entry like this, but it is fun to get the creative writing juices going a couple times during the month.